Who We Are
The Blue Knights International Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club is a non-profit fraternal organization consisting of active and retired law enforcement men and women who enjoy motorcycles.
The Blue Knights have approximately 600 chapters representing 11 conferences in 26 countries, with more than 16,000 members!
Wisconsin's Chapter XI is one of twelve chapters in Wisconsin. We represent Racine and Kenosha counties located in the southeast corner of the state along the western shore of Lake Michigan. As of 2016 we also have members from northern Lake County, IL who joined us when IL-X dissolved.
Our Purposes and Goals
To provide for the mutual assistance, enjoyment, entertainment, education, physical, mental, and social benefit of its members and the general public.
To promote and advance the sport of motorcycling and the safety of motorcycling.
To serve the interests of motorcycle owners and users.
To promote by example and any other acceptable means, safe use, operation and enjoyment of motorcycles.
To develop a fraternal spirit between law enforcement personnel and the general public
Chapter Officers - 2024
President - James McCarty
Vice President - Clint Cagle
Secretary / Treasurer - Ken Edwardson
Past President - Bob Jarosz
Director - Jerry Hipper
Director - Joe Macareno
Director - Vacant
Chaplain - Bob Duthie
Road Captain - Joe Macareno
Road Captain - Cahnrad Cagle
Safety Officer - Jerry Hipper
Quartermaster - Ken Edwardson
Historian - Clint Cagle
Webmaster - Ron Patla